How to Increase BDNF, Key Protein for Healthy Brain Cells
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) encourages the formation of new brain cells and protects existing ones. Learn how to boost your BDNF level.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) encourages the formation of new brain cells and protects existing ones. Learn how to boost your BDNF level.
Quality sleep, a key brain health factor, is easier when you’re cool. Learn many low and high-tech tips for keeping cool when the weather, or you, turn hot.
These supplements are proven to reduce cortisol, a stress hormone that, in excess, is often the cause of physical and mental health problems.
Ginkgo biloba benefits memory only in select situations; however, it can be effective for depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
Yoga has proven beneficial for reducing depression and anxiety. Learn how to do specific yoga poses recommended by an instructor of yoga teachers.
Beginners can find meditation frustrating. These top 10 beginner’s techniques and tips make meditation easier to start and stay with.
New research shows that isolated nicotine can enhance brain function and may be helpful in treating a number of brain-related disorders.
Anandamide is a neurotransmitter that binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body, stimulating a sense of happiness and mental wellness.
Evidence shows that meditation is as effective as standard medical treatments for depression. Learn about helpful guided meditation resources.
Learning how to relax muscle tension has been proven effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and panic, and can improve most stress-related conditions.
Bacopa is an herbal supplement that balances levels of neurotransmitters and stress hormones, exerting a positive influence on mood, motivation, and memory.
Learning a second language improves cognitive abilities like intelligence and memory while lowering risks for brain aging, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.
You can learn how to be more creative. Creativity is mostly skill, not just a gift, and this skill can be developed. Start with these 10 proven ways.
This review of natural remedies for ADHD addresses proven supplements, lifestyle activities, healing techniques, and diet to help you or your child.
Without sufficient brain nutrients, your cognitive and mental health will be compromised. Unfortunately, certain nutritional deficiencies are common.
Oxytocin is called the “love hormone,” but it’s really an emotion amplifier that causes both positive and negative effects on relationships.
Stress consumes excessive key vitamins and minerals. If you don’t replace them with the right foods and supplements, anxiety and stress can worsen.
Canola oil contains trans fats, inflammatory omega-6 fats, and free radicals that increase the risk for mental health problems. Learn how to avoid it.
It’s critical to supplement with DHA, a key omega-3 fat, to build and preserve brain health and function for everyone from babies to adults.
Music improves brain health and function in many ways. It makes you smarter, happier, and more productive at any age. Listening is good, playing is better.
Tyrosine is an essential building block for major neurotransmitters and can help reduce dopamine-related depression, ADHD, and extreme stress.
Effective stress management techniques can offset the negative effects of stress in your life. Try these proven, fast, and reliable stress remedies.
The brain benefits of high-quality olive oil make it a best brain food. Learn how to choose genuine extra virgin olive oil (and avoid widespread fake oil).
Brain vitamins are ones key to brain health. They help counteract toxins and stress and slow mental decline. It’s easy to be deficient. Learn what to do.
Natural energy drinks like tea, coffee, and yerba mate have a history of safely boosting focus and productivity and offer other brain health benefits too.
Neuroscience research shows that the left-brain, right-brain dominance theory is a myth. Learn about the implications of this new knowledge of the brain.
The mental and physical problems arising from cell phone addiction are similar to any addiction. Find out if you are at risk and learn what to do about it.
Smart people and progressive companies know that power naps keep energy and productivity high all day long. Here’s how to power nap right.
Brain health is undermined by cravings driven by the addictive qualities of foods with added sugar and refined carbs. Here’s a plan to stop eating sugar.
Meditation can work as well as common Rx drugs for anxiety, changing your brain and making it less anxiety-prone. Learn the best ways to meditate.