Contact Us
We get a lot of emails and other communications; unfortunately, we can’t respond to all of them.
These are the most common requests we receive:
I Have a Personal Health Question
For legal, ethical, and practical reasons, we cannot give specific advice about any personal health matters.
Instead, seek advice from a qualified health practitioner who can take into account your personal circumstances, general health, and specific health conditions.
Here’s what you can do using Be Brain Fit:
Learn as much as you can about your situation and possible remedies by reading our articles.
Use our search function to focus on your topic of interest.
Pay special attention to the inline text links in our articles.
These links connect to authoritative third-party articles that expand upon and support what we’ve written.
We recommend that you corroborate all information you encounter with information from other sources.
This is the best way to get the most reliable and trustworthy information.
In doing your research in this way, you can make a reasonable decision about how, or whether, to pursue treatment for a health condition.
However, if your condition is acute or life-threatening, see a qualified health care provider as soon as possible.
If you are already being treated and are not satisfied with your care, get a second or third opinion.
For information about mental health practitioners and treatments, online therapy and support groups, resources for teens & young adults, and more, see our Mental Health Resources Guide.
We realize that figuring out a health problem that’s resistant to treatment is frustrating.
Accept that it will take a while to learn what you need to know and to create a plan that will help you, with or without a helpful health care practitioner.
But almost all problems yield to persistence.
I Have a Guest or Sponsored Post or Infographic
We do not accept guest or sponsored posts or infographics.
I Have a Product or Marketing Proposal
We get many legitimate product and marketing requests and we do review them.
But most of them are not a good fit at the time and we will not respond for the time being.
We do not sell links or do link exchanges.
I Want to Advertise
If you would like to buy advertising on Be Brain Fit, see Mediavine Direct.
Contact Us
You can contact us at ask@
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