Last updated February 26, 2024.
Edited and medically reviewed by Patrick Alban, DC. Written by Deane Alban.
Learn about the best foods to eat and drink when studying and an eating strategy for exam day that will prep your brain for top mental performance.
How would you describe how you want to feel on the day of an important test?
I imagine you’d say “well-rested, alert, and laser-focused, but with an inner calm and confidence.”
Unfortunately, living on coffee, energy drinks, and junk food while cramming for exams is pretty common.
No wonder many students find themselves feeling exhausted, unfocused, and like a bundle of nerves on the day of a big test.
Here’s a detailed look at what to eat and drink in the short term and in the long run for success on tests and exams.
Upgrade Your Diet Before Your Exams
Too many students live on junk food and yet expect maximum performance from their brains.
This is an unreasonable expectation!
Treat your brain like the exquisite, powerful machine it is.
Give it the highest quality fuel regularly, not just the day before a test.
Of the myriad diets and eating plans to choose from, the Mediterranean diet is widely considered the healthiest eating plan of all.
Those who eat this way rank high in overall health and longevity and stay mentally sharp for the long haul.
The Mediterranean diet emphasizes unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, olive oil, legumes, nuts, whole grains, fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, yogurt, and meat, topped off with a little red wine.
Many popular ethnic cuisines — Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Indian, Mexican, and Asian — can easily meet the criteria of a Mediterranean-based eating plan.
Here’s a visual of what’s included in the Mediterranean diet.
![chart illustrating the mediterranean diet food pyramid](
Best Brain Foods to Eat Before an Exam
Now that you’ve got the big picture, let’s look at specific foods that you’ll want to include in your diet.
These foods all have well-deserved reputations as brain foods.
I hear this question often. Here's my answer:
#1 Live a brain-healthy lifestyle first (Be Brain Fit tells you how).
#2 Give Mind Lab Pro a try.
This brain supplement meets all 12 of my requirements for a high-quality brain supplement, including effectiveness, safety, purity, and value. So it's easier for you to be mentally sharper, positive, and more productive.
Choosing the right brain supplement is all about quality. See why I recommend Mind Lab Pro.
Dr. Pat
They have been studied and proven to help you learn, remember, focus, and stay motivated.
It might sound overstated that certain foods can help your brain work better until you realize that they contain nutrients that:
- Provide the building blocks of neurotransmitters
- Increase blood flow to the brain
- Stimulate the formation of new brain cells
- Repair existing brain cells
- Form the structural components of brain cells
- Protect brain cells from damage and aging
1. Avocados
Avocados are unlike any other fruit.
They are loaded with monounsaturated fats, the same kind of healthy fat found in olive oil.
Avocados can improve blood flow.
They are an excellent source of nutrients that the brain needs, including vitamins C, E, K, and B complex.
Avocados are high in tyrosine, an amino acid that’s a precursor to dopamine, the brain chemical that keeps you motivated and focused.
2. Foods Rich in Omega-3s
There are two main omega-3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
The brain health benefits of omega-3 fats are derived mostly from DHA which is found in high concentrations in the cerebral cortex, the area of the brain responsible for memory, language, creativity, and attention.
Since DHA is a primary structural component of the brain, people low in DHA actually have measurably smaller-than-average brains!
The best food sources of omega-3s are animals that get their food from their natural habitats:
- wild-caught fish
- grass-fed beef
- pasture-raised pork
- free-range chicken
- wild game
They not only have more omega-3s, they also have fewer contaminants than their mass-produced counterparts.
3. Walnuts
Walnuts are the only nut that contains substantial amounts of ALA (alpha-
They are among the few foods that contain mood-elevating serotonin.
Researchers found that study participants who eat walnuts daily have higher cognitive test scores than those who don’t.
4. Eggs
Eggs are a top food source of choline, a nutrient that few of us get enough of.
Choline is a B complex-related nutrient that is important because it is a precursor of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter linked to memory and learning.
And don’t worry about the cholesterol found in eggs.
The brain needs cholesterol.
The brain is 60% fat by dry weight and includes 25% of the body’s total cholesterol.
5. Berries
Berries of all kinds are bursting with flavonoids, potent antioxidants that protect brain cells from oxidative damage.
The flavonoids found in berries help to improve memory, learning, verbal comprehension, numerical ability, and decision-making.
If you can’t find fresh berries at a reasonable price, opt for frozen.
Unexpectedly, frozen berries contain more available antioxidants than fresh ones.
It’s almost impossible to live a lifestyle that provides all the nutrients needed for good brain health and performance. The reason? All of us confront multiple nutrient thieves — stress, poor diet, insomnia, pharmaceuticals, pollution, and more — that steal nutrients that the brain needs to thrive.
- Provides the building blocks to create new brain cells and brain chemicals
- Helps increase resilience to stress to avoid mental burnout
- Supplies the brain with the fuel it needs for mental energy
A foundational principle of mental health and cognitive performance is to supply the body with the best nutrition possible. See why I recommend Performance Lab.
Dr. Pat
6. Dark Chocolate
Chocolate contains a little caffeine, just enough to boost memory, mood, and concentration, but not enough to make you feel wired.
" Caffeine is responsible for four recognized mental disorders, including caffeine-induced anxiety, so consume caffeine in moderation.
It stimulates blood flow to the brain to aid memory, attention span, reaction time, and problem-solving.
And due to the feel-good compounds anandamide and phenylethylamine it contains, chocolate gives you a happy buzz that’s been described as being in love.
7. Turmeric
Turmeric is an Indian spice that’s been used for thousands of years as a brain tonic.
Its main active components are curcumin and turmerone.
Curcumin elevates levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein that promotes new brain cell growth.
Turmerone stimulates the production of new neurons and encourages the brain to repair itself.
As little as a half-teaspoon of turmeric per day is all you need.
You can easily get that by cooking with turmeric, sprinkling it on your food, adding it to smoothies, making turmeric tea, or topping your coffee with it.
8. Olive Oil
Olive oil is an integral part of the Mediterranean diet.
Olive oil’s monounsaturated fats are known for being “heart healthy” but are equally good for your brain.
Increased intake of monounsaturated fats is linked to better memory and other cognitive functions.
Monounsaturated fats increase the production and release of acetylcholine.
Olive oil also contains significant amounts of vitamins E and K which are important for memory and the prevention of mental decline.
When buying olive oil, quality matters a lot since commercial olive oil can be rancid, poor quality, and adulterated with other oils.
It pays to always buy high-quality extra virgin olive oil.
9. Sea Vegetables
Sea vegetables are some of the best sources of tyrosine, the amino acid needed to create dopamine.
They are one of the few dietary sources of iodine, a mineral critical to brain health and function.
When iodine was added to table salt in the US in the 1920s, there was a noticeable increase in average IQ.
Toasted nori makes a tasty snack on its own.
You may already be familiar with nori — the green sheets used to wrap sushi.
Brain-Healthy Diet
Start following a Mediterranean-style diet.
Emphasize the brain foods mentioned above in your diet.
For brain-healthy meal suggestions, check out our 50 Yummy & Healthy Brain Food Recipes.
What to Drink for Peak Test Performance
Now that you know the best brain foods to eat to prep for your exams, it’s time to discuss what you should and shouldn’t be drinking.
What you drink and how much you drink can make or break your brain-boosting efforts.
1. Stay Hydrated
It’s critical to stay properly hydrated while studying and during exams.
The brain is 73% water and it takes only 2% dehydration to diminish memory, attention, and other cognitive skills.
Even mild dehydration adversely affects short-term memory, concentration, and alertness.
The effects of dehydration on the brain are so profound that it can mimic the symptoms of dementia.
How much should you drink?
A good rule of thumb is to divide your weight in pounds by two and drink that many ounces of water per day.
![equations to use to calculate how much water you should drink](
If you exercise, you’ll need more.
Check out this online hydration calculator by Camelbak, a company known for its hydration products.
Their calculator takes into account the type, intensity, and duration of exercise activity, and even the temperature and cloud cover when exercising outdoors.
If you have trouble remembering to drink enough, use one of the many available hydration apps to remind you to drink more.
2. Drink Caffeine Strategically
Caffeine is the world’s favorite mind-altering drug.
People around the world rely on caffeine to upgrade their memory, mood, focus, and productivity.
And while some caffeine might be helpful, too much can leave you irritable, sleepless, and anxious.
Caffeine is responsible for four recognized mental disorders, including caffeine-induced anxiety, so consume caffeine in moderation.
If you consume caffeine regularly, I suggest that you test yourself to determine the best sources and dosage, and the ideal cut-off time for you, so that it doesn’t interfere with your sleep.
It can take as little as two, or as many as ten, hours after ingesting caffeine to metabolize half of it.
But, of course, do your experimenting well before exam time to avoid caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
Then, during the 24 hours leading up to the exam, drink caffeine strategically.
You want to be in the “Goldilocks zone” — just the right amount of caffeine to make you feel alert and mentally sharp, but not jittery.
This is not the time to drink either significantly more or less caffeine than usual.
The Best and Worst Caffeine Sources
The source of your caffeine really does matter.
Traditional brews such as coffee, various teas, and yerba mate are loaded with antioxidants, flavonoids, and other beneficial compounds that nourish and protect the brain and increase mental vitality.
Consider green tea if you struggle with caffeine-induced jitters or anxiety.
It contains the calming compounds l-theanine and EGCG which affect brain waves, putting you in a state of relaxed focus.
On the other hand, caffeinated sodas and energy drinks are not healthy choices.
They are laden with sugar and chemicals and contain synthetic caffeine created in laboratories.
Energy drinks are responsible for tens of thousands of visits to the emergency room each year, and sadly, a handful of deaths.
And don’t be impressed by added ingredients like B vitamins or taurine.
According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, any performance enhancement from energy drinks comes from sugar and caffeine, not from these other ingredients.
3. Drink Alcohol Moderately
(This information is directed at those who are of legal drinking age.)
Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages of all kinds can positively impact memory.
The key word here is moderate.
In the US, the official definition of moderate is one daily drink for women and two for men.
Here’s a look at what constitutes one drink.
![chart showing alcoholic drink equivalencies](
Overindulging in alcohol, on the other hand, damages dendrites — the nerve connections between brain cells.
Alcohol abuse impairs communication between brain cells and slows down the central nervous system.
The brains of teens and young adults, which are not fully formed until around 25 years of age, are particularly vulnerable to memory loss and cognitive impairment from excessive drinking.
4. No Sugary Drinks
The average person gets an alarming number of their daily calories from soft drinks, energy drinks, and lattes.
They are usually loaded with sugar, a non-nutritive food-like substance that is bad news for the brain.
Sugar has been linked to memory impairment, learning disorders, and a shortened attention span.
Sugar increases brain inflammation which contributes to memory loss, brain fog, and an inability to focus, as well as depression, anxiety, and numerous psychiatric and neurological disorders.
As with caffeine, if you decide to cut back on sugar, do it well before exam time.
Sugar is an addictive substance and sugar withdrawal can lead to headaches, fatigue, and anxiety — nothing you want to experience just before your test.
Brain-Healthy Drinks
Determine how much water you need, then start drinking.
Drink caffeine and alcohol in moderation.
Get your caffeine from natural sources and minimize the consumption of soda and energy drinks.
If you consume too much caffeine, sugar, or alcohol and decide to cut back, do it well before exam time.
What to Eat on the Day of the Test
Your diet should provide the perfect balance of foods that will keep you focused and energized, alert yet calm.
Here is how to eat right on the day of the test, meal by meal.
Eat a Substantial Breakfast
I can’t emphasize the importance of this strongly enough — eat a substantial breakfast.
Research confirms that students of all ages who eat breakfast feel more alert, have better concentration, and perform better on tests than those who skip breakfast.
Kids who participate in school breakfast programs are all-around better, happier, and healthier students.
Teens who eat breakfast earn higher Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) test scores.
Having breakfast doesn’t mean grabbing a cup of coffee and a snack bar.
It should be a true meal and contain at least 20% of your day’s calorie allotment.
People who eat a balanced breakfast that contains protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates (the kind found in whole plant foods) perform significantly better on mental tasks than those who eat a breakfast of simple, refined carbs like cold cereal, toast, or pastries.
The caffeine in coffee and tea will help you stay alert and concentrate, so if you usually have some in the morning, have some today.
But don’t consume more than usual; too much can add to your test anxiety.
Here are a few examples of well-rounded, sustaining breakfasts high in brain foods:
- Frittata seasoned with turmeric and rosemary with a side of apple and nut butter
- Sprouted grain bread topped with avocado and tomatoes and drizzled with olive oil
- Full-fat Greek yogurt topped with berries, walnuts, and shredded coconut
- Breakfast smoothie with whey protein, fruit, cocoa powder, and coconut or almond milk
You don’t have to stick with standard breakfast fare either.
In many cultures, savory dishes typically eaten at lunch or dinner are served for breakfast as well.
Have Protein, Fat, and Carbs at Every Meal
If your test is in the afternoon or evening, you should eat a balance of healthy fats, protein, and carbs at lunch and dinner too.
This will balance your blood sugar and brain chemistry.
You need protein to provide amino acids that create dopamine and norepinephrine.
These brain chemicals make you feel more alert, attentive, and energetic.
You need complex carbs that are converted into glucose to fuel your brain.
Carbs also create serotonin which can help you feel calm and put you in a positive frame of mind about your test.
And having some healthy fats can keep you feeling full longer and help stabilize your blood sugar levels.
This will keep a growling stomach from distracting you and maybe your fellow students.
Eat Brain-Healthy Snacks
If you need to snack during the day, stick to healthy snacks that aren’t going to cause your blood sugar to spike and crash.
Having some protein and good fat along with complex carbohydrates slows down digestion and keeps your blood sugar level stable.
Some delicious snack combinations that are healthy and satisfy the urge to chew would be raw veggies with a yogurt dip, crackers with hummus, corn chips with guacamole, trail mix, or an apple with cheese or peanut butter.
Eating on Test Day
Eat a healthy breakfast.
Drink plenty of water and don’t alter your usual caffeine consumption.
Include healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and a protein source at all of your test day meals and snacks.
Food Tips for During the Exam
Depending on what you are allowed to have with you during your exam, you may want to try one or more of these tips.
Drink Water
The stress of taking exams can be dehydrating.
So, bring a bottle of water to your test and sip it regularly to stay hydrated.
Even the slightest bit of dehydration can impact your memory.
It’s been shown that students who drink water during their exams score up to 10% higher than those who don’t.
Chew Gum
When I was a student, we weren’t allowed to chew gum in school.
I hope that’s changed because students who chew gum have better test scores.
Chewing gum boosts accuracy rates and reaction times while increasing the ability to concentrate and focus.
Chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain while decreasing stress.
Eat Mints
Eating mints has a similar effect as chewing gum, especially if the mints are peppermint.
Just a whiff of peppermint improves concentration, memory, and attention span.
Or you might want to try green tea mints.
Green tea is high in antioxidants which protect the brain and promote neurotransmitters that can improve recall and enhance mood.
Two brands I enjoy are Sencha Naturals and Trader Joe’s green tea mints which contain mint plus real green tea extract.
Sniff Rosemary
Students in ancient Greece wore crowns of rosemary to improve their mental performance when taking exams.
While that probably isn’t going to work for you, you can experience similar benefits by inhaling rosemary essential oil.
Inhaling the scent of rosemary can improve cognitive speed, accuracy, and mood while reducing feelings of anxiety.
When you inhale rosemary, its active compounds enter your bloodstream.
One compound in rosemary, 1,8-cineole, is responsible for its pleasant scent and an increase in acetylcholine.
During the Exam
Bring water and sip it during your test.
Chew gum or suck on mints, if allowed.
Dab some peppermint or rosemary essential oil on your wrists and discreetly take a quick sniff when you need a mental boost.
Recommended: Upgrading brain health is key to making your brain work better.
Mind Lab Pro is the brain supplement I recommend because, by boosting your brain health, it can help you:
- Improve your mental clarity and focus.
- Boost your memory and your ability to learn.
- Increase your capacity to think critically, solve problems, and make decisions.
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