Last updated April 3, 2024.
Edited and medically reviewed by Patrick Alban, DC. Written by Deane Alban.
The mental and physical problems arising from cell phone addiction are similar to any addiction. Find out if you are at risk and learn what to do about it.
Is cell phone addiction or overuse something you should be concerned about?
Worldwide, over 5 billion people have a mobile phone and that number continues to grow.
The average adult now spends over 4.5 hours on their smartphone every day.
Teens and young adults spend much more time than that.
It’s easy to love your smartphone for all that it does, but it’s possible to love it too much.
Is Cell Phone Addiction a Real Disorder?
When you think of addictions, your first thought is probably of addictions to substances like cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol.
But some addictions, including cell phone overuse, are behavioral addictions that interfere with daily life.
Cell phone addiction is integrally related to internet addiction.
Many potentially addictive activities performed on your phone, such as compulsive email and social media checking, web browsing, porn, and compulsive shopping, take place on the internet.
Cell phone addiction is not a recognized psychiatric disorder, but likely will be in the near future.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the American Psychiatric Association’s standard guide of mental disorders.
The latest version, the DSM-5, includes Internet Gaming Disorder in its “conditions for further study” section.
Some experts urge that internet addiction be included in the manual’s next update and cell phone addiction is likely to follow.
" It’s no accident that cell phone use is addictive. It was designed that way. The creators of social media platforms, games, and apps run thousands of tests on millions of viewers to learn what keeps people hooked.
The definition and status of cell phone addiction is still evolving.
You’ll find it referred to by a slew of other names — smartphone, cell phone, or mobile phone overuse, dependence, compulsion, obsession, or problem use.
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The experts are still undecided as to whether cell phone and internet addictions are unique disorders or merely instruments for engaging in other addictions like gaming, gambling, and porn.
Cell phone overuse seems to meet most of the criteria of an addiction:
If you are addicted, you become dependent on your phone and experience withdrawal when separated from it.
You can’t quit when you try, even though you know your phone use negatively impacts your life.
Alarming Cell Phone Addiction Statistics
Some researchers are convinced that cell phone overuse looms as an addiction epidemic that will be unlike any other.
This is because smartphone exposure starts at such a young age and there are so many addictive hooks — social media, email, texting, porn, shopping, gambling, gaming, binge viewing, apps, news feeds, and more.
The jaw-dropping statistics on mobile phone usage speak volumes about how common this problem has become:
- 72% keep their smartphone within a five-foot reach at all times.
- 70% of women and 61% of men experience phone separation anxiety.
- 37% say that they “couldn’t live without it.”
- 1 in 3 people would rather give up sex than their phone.
- 10% have texted during sex.
- 12% have used their phone in the shower.
- 67% check their phone even when it has not rung or vibrated.
- 61% regularly sleep with their phone turned on under their pillow or next to their bed.
- 90% of young adults sleep with their phones.
- 95% check their smartphone last thing before going to bed.
- 50% check their phone immediately upon waking, even in the middle of the night.
Symptoms of Cell Phone Addiction
Here are some of the signs that your smartphone use has become excessive:
- You check your phone constantly and find it hard to use it in moderation.
- You feel compelled to answer texts and messages immediately.
- You often spend more time on it than you planned.
- You vow to quit using it so much, but just can’t.
- You feel irritable when you don’t have mobile phone access.
- You feel anxiety or even panic if you leave the house without it or the battery runs down.
- Your excessive phone use is jeopardizing your relationships with friends and family.
- You have trouble giving people around you your full attention because you are distracted by your phone.
- You would rather connect via your phone than spend time with others face-to-face.
- You feel guilty or defensive about the cumulative time you spend on your phone.
- You lie about or hide from others how much you use your phone.
- You are ignoring other important areas of your life — relationships, career, hobbies, or taking care of yourself.
Physical signs that you are spending too much time on your phone include eye strain, wrist pain and numbness, headaches, back pain, changes in weight, and insomnia.
Excessive cell phone use exhibits all the hallmarks of an addiction.
But does experiencing one or more of these symptoms mean that you are truly addicted?
David Greenfield, PhD, is one of the world’s leading authorities on issues of technology dependency and addiction.
He is the author of the groundbreaking book Virtual Addiction: Help for Netheads, Cyber Freaks and Those Who Love Them and founder of the Center for Internet and Technology Addiction.
He believes that 90% of cell phone owners overuse their phones, but only 10-12% are truly addicted.
It is Greenfield’s opinion that, to be classified as an addict, you need to experience “some deleterious impact on a major life sphere, whether it’s an impact on your work, your academic performance, your home life, primary relationship, parenting, legal status.”
Mobile Phone Addiction Test
If you have any doubt as to whether you are addicted to your mobile phone, you can take Dr. Greenfield’s Smartphone Compulsion Test.
There are 15 easy “yes” or “no” questions.
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Your score will automatically be tallied for you and you’ll see which of these four categories you fall into:
- Your cell phone use is normal.
- Your behavior is leaning toward problematic or compulsive use.
- You likely have a problematic or compulsive cell phone use pattern.
- It may be time to seek help from a healthcare professional who specializes in behavioral addictions.
Who Is at Risk for Cell Phone Addiction
Not everyone who has a cell phone gets hooked on it.
You are more prone to cell phone addiction if you also struggle with stress, depression, anxiety, ADHD, social anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Those with a lack of social support are more susceptible.
Anyone with other addictions will be at higher risk for cell phone addiction as well.
Kimberly Young, PhD, a world-renowned addiction specialist, founded the Center for Internet Addiction, the country’s first hospital-based treatment center for internet addiction.
She also coined the phrase internet addiction.
Her book Caught in the Net was the first book to identify the problem of internet addiction.
In it, she mentions that her research found that 52% of internet addicts had other addictions, including alcohol, drugs, food, or gambling.
But of all risk factors, simply being a teenager puts you at the highest risk for addiction.
And while drug and alcohol use among teens has been trending downward, this may, in part, be because they have traded these addictive substances for smartphones instead.
Mobile Phone Use Is Addictive by Design
It’s no accident that mobile phone use is addictive.
It was designed that way.
The creators of social media platforms, games, and apps run thousands of tests on millions of viewers to learn what keeps people hooked.
Why? Because the more time you spend on your phone, the more money these companies make.
Former Google product manager Tristan Harris sees the reward process of using a smartphone as similar to playing a slot machine.
In an interview on the news program 60 Minutes, he stated that “… every time I check my phone, I’m playing the slot machine to see, “What did I get?” This is one way to hijack people’s minds and create a habit …”
Addictive substances and behaviors of all kinds — sugar, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, recreational drugs, gambling, and porn — cause a spike in dopamine, the neurotransmitter in charge of the brain’s pleasure-reward system.
And so does using a mobile phone.
Every time you get a new text, email, or follow, you receive a small surge of dopamine.
This little reward not only feels good but makes you want more.
Dr. Greenfield calls your cell phone a “portable dopamine pump!”
And for those with an addiction, having on-demand dopamine is as dangerous as it sounds.
How to Stop a Smartphone Addiction
If you believe it would be in your best interest to cut back on your smartphone use, don’t try to quit cold turkey.
That may work with some addictions where total abstinence is the goal, but it is not feasible to live without a mobile phone or internet and still participate in modern society.
Cutting back your use a step at a time gives your brain a chance to form new neural pathways so that your new habits stick.
Try the following changes, one at a time:
- Do not text while driving. You should not do this anyway since it’s potentially lethal to yourself and others.
- Ditto on talking on your phone when driving. Cell phone users get into more accidents than drunk drivers.
- Get the phone out of your bedroom or turn it off at night.
- Delete the apps you find most addictive.
- Stop using your phone while waiting in checkout lines.
- Put away your phone when you’re with friends, family, or on a date.
- Quit using your phone while eating.
When you feel comfortable with one change, move on to the next.
Once you’ve made even a few of these changes, you’ll find the time spent on your mobile phone dramatically reduced.
1. Use Cell Phone Monitoring Apps
Technology got you into this mess, but when used right, it can help you get out of it.
Here are a couple of the most useful apps for monitoring cell phone use.
SelfControl is a free Mac app that lets you block access to distracting websites, mail servers, or anything else online.
Freedom manages distractions by letting you block certain sites or the whole internet.
It works on all Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
2. Engage in Tech-Free Activities
One of the best ways to kick your cell phone habit is to replace the time spent on your phone with technology-free activities.
Physical Exercise
Physical exercise will keep you off the phone, reduce the stress of quitting, and help alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
Think about what you used to do for exercise before you started using your phone so much.
Did you like to run, swim, rock climb, bike, hike, ski, lift weights, dance, practice martial arts, do yoga, or take walks?
This would be a good time to take up some of these activities again.
Learn a new hobby or resume one you’ve abandoned.
Music, art, and craft hobbies reduce stress, focus your mind as effectively as meditation, and keep your hands busy and off your phone screen.
Not sure what to try?
Here are some popular hobbies that don’t require you to use your phone or the internet: creating art, playing music, cooking, gardening, home repair, woodworking, knitting, collecting, or volunteering.
And if you’re still stumped, check out this list of 100+ hobby ideas.
3. Seek Outside Help
If you believe that you are addicted to your phone and want to try quitting on your own, I recommend reading Cyber Junkie: Escape the Gaming and Internet Trap by recovering video game addict Kevin Roberts.
This book offers a highly rated step-by-step recovery plan that is similar to those used for other addictions.
If you feel that you need professional help, you can seek the services of a behavioral addiction specialist.
You can learn more about the different kinds of addiction specialists, including how to find one, at the American Society of Addiction Medicine.
And if you can’t find someone to help you locally, consider online counseling, instead of traditional counseling.
Online counseling has been shown to be equally effective and also more convenient and affordable.
Cell Phone Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms
When you reduce your cell phone use, you can expect to experience withdrawal symptoms similar to those when quitting caffeine, sugar, nicotine, alcohol, or drugs.
Besides the overwhelming urge to use your phone, other symptoms of cell phone withdrawal include:
- anger
- anxiety
- depression
- feeling disconnected from reality
- feeling isolated
- inability to feel pleasure
- increased heart rate and blood pressure
- insomnia
- irritability
- mental confusion
- restlessness
- trouble concentrating
Mental Health Reasons to Quit Your Mobile Phone Addiction
Just as drugs or alcohol changes an addict’s brain, so does excessive mobile phone use.
A lot of the changes are very similar to those experienced by hardcore drug addicts.
In both cases, the same areas of the brain show similar changes in connectivity, amounts of grey and white matter, and even gene expression.
Regular cell phone use leads to more stress, depression, and sleep disturbances.
Excessive mobile phone use is linked to low self-esteem, loneliness, social anxiety, impulsiveness, self-absorption, neuroticism, and a predilection for other addictions.
It makes it harder to focus, solve problems, and think creatively.
The Hazards of Cell Phone Radiation
In case you need any more reasons to quit a cell phone addiction, here’s a look at some of the other health implications of cell phone use.
You may have noticed that your cell phone came with a specific absorption rate (SAR) value.
The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) defines SAR as a measure of the amount of radio frequency (RF) energy absorbed by the body when using a cell phone.
It is measured as watts per kilogram, with the upper legal limit being 1.6 W/kg.
And since no cell phone yet created has a SAR rating of zero, this means that some radiation from your phone is penetrating your brain and other body parts.
Many scientists believe that the public is not being adequately protected from the hazards of cell phone radiation.
Over 250 scientists from over 40 countries have published a letter asking the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and governments to develop stricter controls on cell phones and other electronic devices.
Collectively, these scientists have published thousands of peer-reviewed papers on the hazards of cell phone radiation.
This letter, found on, accuses these organizations of failing to impose sufficient guidelines to protect the general public, particularly children who are at greater risk.
Here are some of the known ways cell phone radiation damages the brain.
1. Cell Phone Radiation Increases Risk of Brain Cancer
The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as a Group 2B carcinogen and recommends that consumers consider ways of reducing their exposure.
By definition, a Group 2B carcinogen is suspected of causing cancer, and cell phones are a top source of exposure.
This category also includes things you know you should avoid like lead, engine exhaust, DDT, and chloroform.
In one major review of existing studies, researchers found significant links between long-term mobile phone use and brain tumor risk.
2. Cell Phone Use Causes Free Radical Damage
Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure creates free radicals — unattached oxygen molecules that attack cells in much the same way that oxygen causes metal to rust.
Since the brain uses 20% of the body’s total oxygen intake, it is highly susceptible to free radical damage.
Even low levels of EMF exposure can lead to chronically increased levels of free radicals which can cause brain cell damage and aging.
3. Cell Phone Radiation Causes Leaky Brain Cells
The brain is protected by a blood-brain barrier, a group of specialized cells that acts as a filter to keep toxins, pathogens, and other foreign substances out of the brain.
Cell phone radiation ruptures delicate brain cell membranes, increasing the blood-brain barrier’s permeability.
This allows toxins, chemicals, viruses, and neurotoxic metals like mercury, lead, and aluminum to more easily enter the brain and negatively impact brain health and function.
It also causes brain cells to leak calcium ions needed for communication between brain cells.
4. Cell Phones Disrupt Neurotransmitter Formation
Proteins are integral to brain cell structure and the formation of neurotransmitters.
Over 140 proteins in the brain are negatively impacted by EMF exposure.
This, in turn, causes significant disruption in levels of three major neurotransmitters — serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
5. Cell Phone Radiation May Be Linked to Alzheimer’s
A Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) study found that holding an activated cell phone by your head for less than an hour changes brain glucose metabolism.
This matters because glucose is the brain’s main energy source.
Some experts now believe that Alzheimer’s disease is a third form of diabetes in which brain cells can no longer utilize glucose and subsequently die.
Another way that cell phone radiation may contribute to Alzheimer’s is by increasing levels of protein fragments known as beta-amyloid.
Beta-amyloid plaques are considered a leading risk factor for Alzheimer’s.
6. Cell Phones Disrupt Sleep
Dozens of studies have found that even low levels of cell phone radiation disrupt the production of melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone that regulates the sleep cycle.
The use of electronic devices at night, including cell phones, is a major reason for the current epidemics of insomnia and other sleep disorders.
7. Cell Phones Contribute to Thyroid Disorders
Cell phone radiation affects the structure and function of the thyroid.
Cell phone use elevates the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) which is directly linked to hypothyroidism, a condition characterized by a low level of thyroid hormone.
Common brain-related symptoms of hypothyroidism include memory loss, depression, brain fog, poor focus and concentration, fatigue, and difficulty making decisions.
Protecting Your Brain From Your Smartphone
I don’t expect you to give up your smartphone.
But here are some simple precautions to minimize radiation exposure when you do use your phone.
1. Keep Your Smartphone Away From Your Head
The strength of radio frequency transmissions falls off rapidly with increasing distance from a smartphone.
So texting or using a speaker when you talk can reduce your brain’s exposure significantly.
When you must keep your phone near you and turned on, keep it as far away as you can.
And never sleep with your phone close to your head.
2. Get a Smartphone With a Low SAR Level
Mobile phone manufacturers will tell you that their products are safe and, in fact, they must meet government guidelines set by the FCC in the US.
But not all phones emit the same amount of radiation.
The SAR (specific absorption rate) for smartphones sold in the US range from a low of 0.13 to a high close to the legal upper limit of 1.6 W/kg.
If you don’t know your phone’s SAR value, you can usually find it on the manufacturer’s website.
Or you can check it using these instructions provided by the FCC.
If the SAR is high, consider getting a phone with a more favorable value.
You won’t go wrong with a Samsung phone.
Their phones have low SAR values because they use a unique type of antenna designed to direct radiation away from the head.
Conversely, Apple iPhones generally have less favorable ratings, often between .9 and 1.2.
3. Use Your Smartphone Only When Your Signal Is Strong
It might seem counterintuitive, but cell phone radiation exposure increases dramatically when signals are weak.
While a strong signal is not always available, you can control when you make outgoing calls.
Make them from a spot with a good signal, especially if you think you’ll be on the phone for a while.
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